About the Author

T. H. Dobson is a worldbuilder at heart, and has been working on Stargazer in some form or fashion for over a year now, preparing the worldbuilding and planning the course of the story.

His story as a worldbuilder began a long time ago, before he even started actually writing it all down. The first rendition of Red Sky came with his many nation-building projects, the first being called the New Republic of Edonia.

After a close friend of his became involved, it morphed into the worldbuilding around the Federal Republics of Nova, and the first of the three main renditions of Stargazer.

T. H. Dobson is currently a Junior in high school, living in one of the many suburbs of metro Atlanta, and while he is looking forward to the future of his writing and books, he is also pursuing a career in architecture, but at his heart, and what has always been there, is a storyteller.  

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